The Lie Chapter 3 - The Lie Of Education System

The Lie Chapter 3 - The Lie Of Education System Students- the future of our country. Education helps children to become extraordinary and also helps to grow more in life. But somehow the student generation right now they seem to have a dark future. Because the education system right now seems to purposely push the students to this ditch of dark future. The student generation right now is blindly chasing marks. In our country in examinations they don't test the knowledge of the student but they test the memory of the student. Are examinations a memory test in which you have to write what you had mugged up the last night. In our education system there is no value of knowledge. In our education system no one is ready to talk about practical knowledge. Since childhood teachers teach us to learn the book and give the exam and get good marks. Why are marks used to measure knowledge? Does it mean that a student getting full marks has more knowledge than a student getting less marks. NO! ...